The UCSF Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) is UCSF’s space for online teaching and learning. CLE is built on the Moodle framework, hosting course content, recordings, links and additional resources.
The CLE Foundations Course is perfect if you are new to using the CLE as an educator. It provides an overview of the CLE interface, how to add different types of content and ways to manage the CLE learning activities.
CLE Best Practices
Tips to create even better Moodle courses
This quick read goes over some quick tips that can help make your course more intuitive for learners.
6 Recommended Teaching Practices to Try in Moodle
This short article goes over some general course element that can enhance learning, and then connects them to the relevant CLE functionalities.
Advanced Techniques in UCSF Moodle CLE Course
Not new to the CLE? Here's a course to sharpen your skills and introduce new elements into your course.
Ready to get started?
Request your CLE course or training space
Fill out the questionnaire to get access to your CLE course or training space.
Steps for Creating a CLE Moodle Course
A guide to take you through everything you need to do to get your course setup.
Instructional Design Support
UCSF instructional designers can help you troubleshoot learning technology at UCSF and provide design input for your courses! Book a consult or attend their drop-in hours.